Trans Aid Cymru

Trans Aid Cymru is a mutual aid group organized by a diverse team of trans and nonbinary people in South Wales. Our aim is to look after the material needs of trans, nonbinary and intersex people in our local community. We provide monthly grants for trans, intersex, and nonbinary (TIN) folks in Wales, these aren’t means tested and there to make sure the material needs of our community is met. We also offer emergency grants to help get folks out of dangerous situations or other immediate issues. We also offer fundraiser boosts for TIN folks in Wales! We will donate to your fundraiser and share it on all our platforms for two weeks. The fundraisers are chosen at random, so we can’t guarantee when yours would be boosted.
In Cardiff we run regular meetups in community spaces. These are free to attend and are wheelchair accessible. Email us to find out more!
Our website contains a variety of resources, so be sure to check that out! We have recordings of past workshops, our trans GP map that can help you find supportive medical care near you and so much more! We can also help with signposting to organisations that may be able to support you further.