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We are looking for two queer emerging curators from Wales to take part in our project ‘Queering Wales, Connecting people’.

Wales is home to a diversity of queer people. For this project, On Your Face wants to make a space and put the spotlight on those lives, stories, and voices that are often overlooked, to showcase the diversity and intersection of identities within the LGBTQ+ community of Wales.
The two curators will work closely with the 10 artists from the project to bring to life our exhibition taking place next year.

Responsibilities of the curators:

To get together with the artists to discuss exhibition outcomes and plans over the months
Oversee the exhibition planning and development.
Support with promotion by creating engaging social media content documenting the curatorial project. From early stages to gallery installation.
Attending planning sessions with the artists and On Your Face staff.

If you are interested, please send us:
- A short bio
- Links to website or social media
- Portfolio or CV
- A short paragraph telling us how this opportunity will help your practice.

Dates for the project: September 2024 to February 2025
Exhibition Opening 7th of February 2025
Fee: £1200 (8 days)
Deadline for submissions: Tuesday 16th of July 5pm

Email to:


Rydym yn edrych ar gyfer dau eginyn curadur cwiar o Gymru i gymryd rhan yn ein prosiect 'Creu Cymru Cwiar, Cysylltu pobl'.

Mae Cymru'n adref i amrywiaeth o bobl cwiar. Ar gyfer y prosiect hwn, mae On Your Face eisiau creu gofod i lwyfannu ar y bywydau, straeon a lleisiau sydd yn arferol yn cael eu hesgeuluso, i arddangos yr amrywiaeth a chroestoriad o hunaniaethau o fewn y gymuned LHDTC+ Cymru.

Fydd y ddau guradur yn gweithio'n agos efo'r 10 artistiaid o'r prosiect i adeiladu ein harddangosfa sy'n digwydd flwyddyn nesaf.

Cyfrifoldebau'r curaduron:
Dod i'w gilydd efo'r artistiaid i drafod canlyniadau arddangosfa a chynlluniau dros y misoedd
Goruchwylio’r cynllunio a datblygiad yr arddangosfa
Cynorthwyo efo hyrwyddo gan greu cynnwys cyfryngau cymdeithasol deniadol sy'n dogfennu'r prosiect curadurol. O'r camau cynnar i'r gosodiad oriel.
Mynychu sesiynau cynllunio efo'r artistiaid ac On Your Face.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb, plîs danfonwch:

- Datganiad byr
- Dolennu i wefan neu gyfryngau cymdeithasol
- Portffolio neu CV
- Paragraff byr sy'n esbonio sut fydd y cyfle hwn helpu eich ymarfer

Dyddiadau i'r prosiect: Medi 2024 i Chwefror 2025
Agoriad arddangosfa 7fed o Chwefror 2025
Ffi: £1200 (8 diwrnod)
Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau: Dydd Mawrth 16eg o Orffennaf 5yp

E-bost i:

On your face, 2021