Nerys Griffiths

What really captivates me about our planet is the idea that each organism is interdependent on one another keeping the environment balanced. Life is such an interesting thing and I love capturing it.
As a child, I was fond of the outdoors and spent my days daydreaming out the window about seeing the world. As I got older, I discovered the art form of photography when I took a photo in my local park. It made me feel a new type of emotion and felt like I found a way to express myself. From then on, I spent my spare time travelling with my dad to nature reserves to practice with farm animals and birds.
Today, I've broadened my horizons by progressing at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David where I study adventure filmmaking. I've been able to create films and try new types of photography including narrative, architectural and macro.
Some of my favourite shots I’ve taken include the lighthouse silhouette taken in New Brighton with the Liverpool docks filling the background. I love the juxtaposition between the two and enjoy finding interesting ways to perceive a place and find photography a great way to show others how I see the world.
Another shot I'm proud of is the Ram piece taken in the Welsh countryside. In my spare time, I enjoy cycling when I found this ram looking at me as a went by. The best part of photography is not knowing what your next photo will be until the time comes and you just know that you must capture the moment.
Some of my earliest inspiration include Ross Hoddinott who was the reason a began wildlife photography. I love his art style and the positive vibrant colours of his work. Another artist I look up to is Andy Parkinson with his amazing close-up work showing a range of wildlife I hope to see one day myself.
Other passions of mine include listening to a range of music, learning about birds as well as travelling and hope one day I can travel as my career.