Generation Feral

Generation Feral is the stage name of Izzy Liddamore, a queer female solo artist originally from a dead-end town in Essex, now based in Cardiff, with its better castle and better music scene. She was drawn to this city because it just seems brimming with opportunity and creative energy, and to perform and make music here just seems like what she was always supposed to do, admongst like-minded, blossoming creatives. The name ‘Generation Feral’ is an ironic take on how older generations often view Gen Z as ‘feral youths’ or ‘snowflakes’ for having emotions and talking about them, a topic her music often touches on. She grew up busking, and now plays piano and loop pedal for her ukulele - describing her sound as ‘emotionally stirring punkish piano ballads for tender scumbags’. With particular emphasis on lyrics and formulating her feelings into musical language, she describes music as her outlet (as cliche as that sounds) for a lot of the negativity in 2022, and anxieties that come with it, and believes that sometimes chords and notes can describe the slew of emotions associated with the 21st century better than our own words can.
Her debut single ("too numb, too fast") is available on all streaming platforms: piano ballad-like song focussing on how fast the world has become, and Izzy, as a woman, uses her 'power' and becomes the mouthpiece for so many men that can't talk about it. Her next single will be released soon, with hopes for an EP in summer.